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. What do you think ?: Act early childhood in the National Education System in Indonesia

Act early childhood in the National Education System in Indonesia

At the time the president of RI in the handshake by Mr. Suharto, the national education system using Act No. 2 of 1989. The National Curriculum is the responsibility of the Minister and the President.

After Mr. Suharto stepped down in 1998, to institute pre-school for 4-year project implemented ECE (Early Childhood Education).

PROJECT ECE (Early Childhood Education) which has been implemented by the government in 1997-1998, and then within a couple of less than 4 (four) years, the institution RA / BA and kindergartens throughout Indonesia finally given permanence and put into LAW THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA 2003 and valued existence with different parent in CONTAINERS INSTITUTIONS "FORMAL".

At that time the RI president's name is BJ Habibie and Wahid then proceed by Mrs. Megawati maja 2001-2004 presidential term. After 2003, President Megawati Sukarnoputri made Law on National Education System No. 20 of 2003 which contains the continuation of the legislation of the National Education System Mr. Suharto contain, among others, for the improvement of educational policy, namely the Teacher Certification, and problem-based education management madrasah / school as well as permit the establishment of schools / madrasah is very important because in the legislation mentioned in Article 71 expressly states that the education without having a license from Government / Local Government was sentenced up to 10 years and a fine of 1 billion. To date in 2015, Law No. 20 of 2003 on National Education System continues.

The sound of a law on Article 62 ESTABLISHMENT OF EDUCATION UNITS as follows:

(1) Every formal and non-formal education units are established must obtain permission of the Government or Local Government.

(2) The requirements for obtaining a permit includes educational content, the number and qualification of teachers and educational staff, educational facilities, financing of education, the system of evaluation and certification, as well as the management and the educational process.

(3) Government or Local Government give or revoke permits the establishment of educational units in accordance with the legislation in force.

(4) The provisions concerning the establishment of educational units referred to in paragraph (1), paragraph (2), and paragraph (3) shall be further regulated by Government Regulation.